Wendron Ram Buck Fair

Horse Show

Wendron Ram Buck Fair

Sat 31st May 2025

Stithians Showground


Put the above date in your diary/calendar for this years show.

We understand that demand for classes does change from year to year so if you have any particular classes you would like the Committee to consider for inclusion please let Colin Benney (Show Secretary) know - email dcbenney@talktalk.net.


Hon Secs General Enquiries and BSJA Enquiries:

Colin Benney:            01326 561991     07443 926491


Working  Hunter/Showing Enquiries

Nicky Benney:           01326 561991     07423 010781


Sponsorship Enquiries:

Dave Holt                 07976 711848


To contact us:

This show can only run if we have volunteers to help us run it.  We are in desperate need of some new helpers either on the committee or just to help set up, assist on the day or to clear away afterwards.
If you can spare us some time then please contact one of the Hon Secs
Colin and Jakie

The following local businesses support Ram Buck Fair and some have an online presence—why not check them out—just click on the name

Hog House                  N Thurley Automotive Ltd


N Thurley

Automotive Ltd


The Workshop, Tyacke Road, Helston, TR13 8RR


01326 561236


Nigel Thurley Automotive is a well established,
highly recommended garage providing car repair,
servicing and MOT’s.

A quality automotive centre using a state of the art
diagnostic fault finding system and providing a professional car body repair service too.
